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choosing me!

Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu
Hi, I'm Aman. I thought that everything bad in my life was over. I had a loving family, a warm corner, full bowls, peace of mind... And it was wonderful. Unfortunately, my happiness ended when my guardian left this world. Then I went to the shelter. I know there are a lot of homeless cats. People looking for a cat friend have dozens of candidates, some of them are younger than me, some have "nicer" colors, some of them are louder in seeking attention... I don't want to take part in the race for a good life, I just want someone to help me he noticed and gave me a chance.
Check what homeless animal needs
You don't have to donate every product from the list. Even one small thing will make me happy.
I dream of enjoying my favourite food, for a long time! I'll be glad if I get something else besides food .
A gift of pet food will be enough for:
/ Total

Jd For Cats 99 Menu Dorosły Bażant 400G

Jd For Cats Dorosły Kot Wołowina Z Łososiem. 1 Kg
/ I need
/ Total

Cats Soft Bites Paski Z Cielęciny 95% 45G

Drapak Dla Kota Z Domkiem

Żwirek Drewniany Zbrylający 10L

Dermaprotect Spot-On Dla Kotów (4 Pipety X 0.6Ml)

Neutralizator zapachu moczu kota mycie i dezynfekcja Nanoclean 490 Ml
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products to choose?
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