Thank you for
choosing me!
My name is Ela and I was kicked out right after giving birth and my puppies were taken away. In addition, I was neglected, with old injuries and muscle atrophy. It all caused me great pain. Now I'm in veterinary care and I'm learning a new life.
Check what homeless animal needs
You don't have to donate every product from the list. Even one small thing will make me happy.
I dream of enjoying my favourite food, for a long time! I'll be glad if I get something else besides food .
A gift of pet food will be enough for:
/ Total

Brit Vet Diet Dog Hepatic Wet

Brit Premium By Nature Dog Sensitive.1 Kg
/ I need
/ Total

Vet Expert Kennel Odor Eliminator. Koncentrat

Naturalne Przysmakli Jagnięce Dla Psa 200G

Piłka Kong Extreme M/L

Szelki Bezuciskowe R. L Dla Psa

Kadermin Krem Vet 50Ml
Your details
Can't decide which
products to choose?
Please, support us with a donation on our goals. Every contribution is highly appreciated. Even the smallest regular donation is really important. Your support allows us to plan valuable charity actions on a regular basis.